Friday, May 8, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains - IV.

Today I hiked almost three hours with many stops for watching birds and photographing them. I almost reached the hiking trail that leads to the small mountain pond but decided to turn back. It was getting close to noon and I was getting thirsty.

On my way back I met a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. He was in the shadow and mostly hiding between leaves.

The wildflowers are beautiful. But sometimes their beauty may not be apparent until you get very close. I believe that I photographed Alfalfa.   


  1. Este es mi terreno, Kaya. Me encanta la montaña y todo su entorno.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. A beautiful report. An ideal place for mountain trails.

  3. La primavera y aun con nieve en las montañas, bellas fotografías, Kaya.


  4. Sehr schön die Bilder vom Frühling.


  5. Once again, Kaya, I marvel at the landscape and admire your photography ....

  6. These three photographs are beautiful …

    All the best Jan

  7. Aún permanece la nieve en las montañas pero la vida se abre paso en el verde de los árboles, las aves y las flores.
    Un abrazo y salud.

  8. a 3 hour hike - you must be in great condition for that. Beautiful photos and it looks like it must have been a beautiful day out there. Love the bird photo.
