Saturday, June 20, 2020

Adult Cliff Swallow with an Immature One

There were so many swallows around, flying over these couple, joining them and getting into pictures and ruining them. I wish that life would be more simple...

The immature Cliff swallow demands food. It seems that they always keep mouth open as they saying "feed me, feed me...".

I missed the moment when the adult swallow fed the young one who became calm for a while.

There are large numbers of Swallows at Bear River right now.  


  1. Nice moment. Warm colors and special background.

  2. Beautiful photos, capturing the moment!

  3. Hello Kaya,
    This is so fantastic. Really great how you have photograph these swallows.
    Usually these birds don't sit still for very long, therefore all the more handsome. And nice with that youngone.
    Well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  4. Bonitos momentos has captado, Kaya, llenos de ternura. Fotografiar golondrinas no es fácil, esta siempre en movimiento.


  5. La primavera, que acaba de finalizar, nos trajo una explosión de vida. Aunque para los progenitores sea un auténtico cúmulo de trabajo.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. Awww, so sweet! That cute little immature Cliff swallow with its mouth open saying "feed me, feed me..." reminds me of my grandson...always wanting something to eat. LOLL

    Wishing you a Happy Sunday!

  7. Hay que tener mucha paciencia, para hacer esas buenas fotografías. Has tomado dos buenas escenas y con una gran calidad de imágenes.

    Dentro de un tiempo, esta cría, se buscará su propio sustento.


  8. Simpática escena la de esa golondrina recién salida del nido que aún reclama su comida a los adultos.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  9. Beautiful captures …

    All the best Jan
