Sunday, June 21, 2020

Nesting Western Grebe

I have never been around nesting birds but I read that you should be very cautious not disturbing birds during this time. 

When I saw a Western Grebe nesting on a floating nest I got out of my car and took my first photograph of it. The bird was nesting on another side of the river.

Here the Grebe is nesting on the floating nest.

Suddenly the Grebe got up from her nest and went into the water leaving her egg unattended.  The bird stayed close to the nest, swimming forward and back until it was chased away by two other Grebes who were passing by. 

Was it a mistake getting out of my car?  Or something else was going on that I am not aware of? I wish I would find some day an answer.


  1. the car could be the best hide, all depends ...

  2. Pues no se que decirte, amiga... No se si los humanos incordiamos demasiado o no... No lo se
    Un abrazo

  3. Leaving the nest is done only when the bird feels threatened, that a man can touch it with his hand...

  4. Preciosas fotos con unos excelentes reflejos. Generalmente abandonan el nido cuando sienten alguna amenaza sobre los polluelos o los huevos, para tratar de desviar la atención hacia ella.
    Un abrazo y cuidate

  5. Las imágenes son impecables.

    Pienso que una vez te hubieras ido de ahí, volvería el ave al nido.


  6. Beautiful photographs and reflections.
    I don't think the bird would have left the nest unless you were very near to it... so hopefully all is well.

    All the best Jan

  7. wow, those reflections are beautiful. and that egg! so cool.

  8. Bonita fotos con unos reflejos muy atractivos, Kaya. Cuando ven amenazado el nido por alguna circunstancia, suele salir de el para distraer la atención pero sin perderle de vista.


  9. Preciosas fotografías desde todos los puntos de vista, ornitológicos y artísticos. Seguramente que el ave regresó a su nido en un breve espacio de tiempo.
    Un abrazo y salud.
