Monday, June 8, 2020

My First Western Willet

I knew that Western Willets can be at Bear River but I have never seen them.  When I saw for the first time this bird perching on the log by the road I was so excited that my first shots were so horrible that I had to calm down and say to myself that if  luck would be with me the Willet would stay for a while on the log. And it did. 


  1. Beautiful photos! I especially love the first one where it’s clearly balancing one one leg. It looks so adorably comical to me - if this wasn’t an animal that could physically compensate to regain balance it would most definitely topple over!

  2. This is so nice. Very great shots!!
    Beautiful poses of this wonderful birrd. Very nice and very welll taken!!
    Wonderful backgrounds and funny to see that dragonfly or mosquito in the background on picture 2.

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Son muy buenas fotos, se ve que se calmó tu nerviosismo y ha podido hacer un buen reportaje.

    En una parece que está durmi. Me encanta cerlo sostenido, con tam sólo una pata.


  4. The bird is cleaned, but it is also related to what is happening around it.

  5. Una serie preciosa en la que parece estar posando para la cámara haciendo sus equilibrios sobre una sola pata.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  6. oh these are wonderful!! glad you calmed down and got these great photos.
