Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Immature Red-winged Blackbirds Are Looking for Food

I took these photos in early March. The male Red-winged Blackbirds were establishing their territory and waiting for arrival of females who would come much later.  That day I spotted a few immature male Blackbirds who were hatched last year and haven't yet develop their adult plumage.

The immature Blackbird is looking for seeds.  The bird's plumage doesn't look glossy black with flashy red wings at this age, it is more yellow and sometimes orange. 

The immature male Blackbird started to develop his red epaulets. 

Again immature Red-winged Blackbird.

After a long harsh winter I enjoyed so much seeing the first sings of spring, watching the Blackbirds perching on the tall reeds, singing, displaying and chasing each other.