Sunday, August 2, 2020

Short-eared Owl Who Likes to Play a Game

On my way to Bear River I am always looking for the same Short Eared Owl that usually perches on the different sign posts. That particular morning the Owl decided to go into advertising and chose an appropriate sing post.  

Usually advertising lasts only a few minutes and ends up with a game the Owl likes to play.  At the beginning of game he usually flies away.  I am turning my car around and drive back for a mile and a half looking for him and scanning every sing post.


The moment I am giving up on looking for Owl is a very important moment.  The Owl may return back to the same spot where I saw him before or the Owl will fly to a different marsh.  On the photo above the Owl returned back choosing this time a poll for perching.



  1. Your photo is beautiful, the little owl looks so cute sitting there like he's waiting for you to snap the pic.

    Wishing you a wonderful week! Stay Safe, dear friend!

  2. 😂
    who is the real player ?
    Owl or Kaya ?

  3. The photos are so beautiful, the owl has really chosen a matching signpost!

  4. Unas imagenes de intensa belleza... Me encanta su mirada fija
    Un abrazo

  5. such a pleasure looking at Mr. Owl on the posts~!
