Friday, July 17, 2020

They Are Teenagers - III.

Juvenile American White Pelicans are having a good time at Bear River right now and I try to spend as much time as I can with them.  No other birds for a while.  Very soon juvenile Pelicans will mature and will be more poise like their parents, swimming leisurely. Meanwhile they are active, energetic and full of life

For some reason Pelicans prefer to land so close to other Pelicans but surprisingly they never hurt anyone. 

Their landing is usually so powerful with a lot of splashes like a loud announcement " I am here..."


  1. they're all beautiful but the last photo is my favorite.

    I wonder if you have ever heard of this guy. He has a really nice website. I don't know if he is related to THE John Muir but
    couldn't help but think you might enjoy going there.

    1. Sandy, thank you for the link, I am going to check it. You always send me interesting links. I am sure I will enjoy this one as others you sent to me:)

  2. Se lo pasan muy bien, volando y aterrizando en el agua.

    Me parecen muy interesante esas capturas.


  3. Кая, великолепные, пронзительные фотографии. Какая же ты талантливая.

    1. Dodo, я ужасно тебе рада. Так удивительно и так чудесно получить от тебя коммент.
      Спасибо тебе!!!

  4. Your post is so inspiring . . . I love, love, love the beautiful photos! You did a wonderful job with it. Thank you for sharing this inspiration. Wishing you all the best! Stay Safe, dear friend!

  5. Landing is difficult due to the weight. But they don't worry, even if it's the weight of an elephant.

  6. Impresionantes. Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Es lo que tiene ser joven, se está lleno de energía y siempre dispuesto a gastarla. Laxsegunda foto es una maravilla.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
