Monday, September 28, 2020

Exploring Great Salt Lake

The motorboat I saw last week on Great Salt Lake was so different from boats I used to see that my first thought was that the motorboat was built by these two men who decided to test it on Great Salt Lake.  

The design of the motorboat was great and it looked solid and powerful.  

I never was on motorboat, I only can imagine how it feels being on it, moving fast through the water facing the breeze.  It must be great!

Generally, life is good!



  1. Tienen sus aguas un precioso color azul. Hace un bello paisaje. La lancha le aporta mucha vida a esa panorámica.


  2. Parece un lago en un paraje desértico.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. i would like to be there now on that lake.

  4. with any draught to patrol the reed beds. No more wild tranquillity .

  5. On a motor boat, the current is annoying and the eyes are not happy.

  6. Muy buena entrada, me ha gustado mucho. Un abrazo.
