Monday, September 21, 2020

Franklin's Gull is Getting on Ibises' Territory

You never know what to expect when you come on someone's territory.  The best you will be ignored, the worst  you will be chased away. This Franklin's Gull didn't get a welcome greeting after he landed among the White-faced Ibises.

After the landing the Gull tried to stretch but how can you do it when someone  bigger and stronger is towering over your head with an open bill. 

It's time to establish your territory and show how annoyed and angry you are. Unfortunately, it didn't work well. The Ibis simply ignored the Franklin's Gull. 

And then something caught the Gull's attention in the water.  I have no idea what it was. The Gull kept her find for a while, twisted it from time to time and then dropped.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Es la lucha por el espacio. Al final el más fuerte se lo queda.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. always beauty when I come here love the photos.

  3. Unas imagenes muy bellas. Me gustan mucho
    Un saludo, amiga

  4. The seagull was unlucky. A beautiful report.
