Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Male Western Grebe is Taking Break from Feeding His Young Ones

The Western Grebes can run or walk on water but I have never seen how they rush on water making a lot of splashes. This male Grebe sometimes took a break from feeding his young ones and rushed forward and back on water for a few times. 

Sometimes the Grebe was running on water

Photographing the Grebe rushing on water was a challenge.  He was so fast that sometimes my camera had a difficult time to keep the bird in focus.  Fortunately, the Grebe did this kind of exercise a few times and I was blessed with a few sharp photographs.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Debió de ser un gran espectáculo para la vista. Has captado los mejores momentos.


  2. They are faster than an accelerator.

  3. Hello Kaya,
    Very nice pictures. So nice with the splashing water.
    Very well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  4. nice!! i've had the pleasure of photographing grebes a few times but not often.
