Thursday, September 17, 2020

In the Wasatch Mountains - IV.

This Northern Flicker was the only bird I photographed this morning in the Wasatch mountains and I was happy that he stayed for a few seconds on the dead tree letting me to take a few photos.

I didn't see before Northern Flickers in the mountains, not on the trails I usually hike and meeting this bird was a morning blessing. 

Autumn already arrived in the Wasatch mountains and the trees slowly are dressing in vibrant festive colors.  In the valley it's still summer.

This Black-chinned Hummingbird I photographed in July.  The Hummingbirds already left the Wasatch mountains and this morning was silent without them.


The Ground Squirrel decided to enjoy the warm peaceful morning on the top of rock.  He stayed there for a while and then went on a hunt for food.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Wow Kaya, that Northern Flicker is just too too cute! You got a great shot of him. And, the little squirrel seems to pose for you . . . LOLL Your photos are absolutely amazing, I love, love, love them.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Stay Safe, my friend!

  2. Hello Kaya,
    It's always a surprise to see your new post. Because it's really enjoyment.
    These pictures are so nice again. That first bird is very nice and very special. My compliments Kaya!!

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Una serie magnífica, plena de belleza natural en tus fotografías. El ave de la primera fotografía aparece majestuosa sobre esas ramas secas del árbol.
    Lamento mi inconstancia de los últimos tiempos pero, al menos de momento, no siempre encuentro fuerzas suficientes.
    Un abrazo,

  4. Mucha belleza en tus fotografías, como siempre. Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  5. En las desnudas ramas, se d ivisan muy bien las aves.

    La ardilla encima de la roca me parece encantadora.

    En España faltan todavía unos días para entrar en el otoño.


  6. La magia del otoño.
    Deseo que estés bien.Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Nice photos, Kaya. Really like the fem. Red-shafted Flicker. Don't see those here.
