Friday, September 11, 2020

Snowy Egret is Fishing

The setting was beautiful but the Snowy Egret stayed most of the time behind the tall plants and nothing I could do about it.  At some moment he finally showed his face and I took this photo shooting through the plants and to my surprise I liked the result. 

Generally, life is good!


  1. A mi tambien me ha gustado mucho el resultado. El blanco de la gaceta resalta esplendorosa entre el agua y las plantas.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. Hello Kaya,
    What a great picture.
    So fantastic with the colors of water and green around this Egret.
    Big compliments for this result.

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Veo que de nuevo has habilitado los comentarios. He seguido con atención tus anteriores entradas, aunque no pudiera comentar.

    El entorno es una maravilla y el blanco del ave, resalta muy bien en él.

    Feliz fin de Semana.


  4. Kaya, my friend, that photo is truly beautiful! It's always amazed me how great your photos are, you're truly a great photographer!

  5. Pleasant contrast. Bird with clean plumage.

  6. Magnifica imagen, amiga, como siempre con ese sello personal que te distingue
    Un abrazo
