Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Male Mule Deer with His Harem During Mating Season

The beginning of October is a mating season for mule deers.  During this time a male deer will collect several females to form a mating harem and will compete for breeding opportunities. 

The male Mule deer I photographed last Sunday was very successful and got into his harem five females that followed him devoutly.  He would aggressively defend them from other males around. 

A young female Mule deer, a very skittish but curious.  She stopped for a few minutes to look back. 

This female also was curious but took some precautions and was almost invisible. Very smart!

For Mule Deers survival depends on how much fat they can put on during the summer to do well in winter.  

A few female Mule Deers had tags and GPS collars around their necks.

One of the reasons why wildlife biologists are doing it on Antelope Island and all over Utah is to help the deers to stay healthy especially in winter and follow their migration. 

The GPS collars help biologists to track the movement of deers or even tell if an animal has died.

Another female Mule deer who wasn't hiding and giving me a long stare.

Generally, life is good!


  1. The numbers in the ears and the GPS spoil the beauty of these deer.
    Photos with details and beautiful autumn tones.

  2. Preciosas fotos de este grupo de venados. En España en los Parques Nacionales de Monfragüe y de Cabañeros tiene lugar, en esta época, un espectáculo parecido conocido como "la berrea" que son los sonidos guturales de los ciervos machos compitiendo por las hembras.

    Kaya vuestro presidente desprecia la vida y la salud de los estadounidenses y del resto de las personas del mundo. Desprecia a todos aquellos que tienen una actitud responsable ante la COVID19 y de esta forma contribuye a que no se pueda frenar la pandemia. Necesitáis un nuevo presidente por vuestro bien y el del resto del mundo. Espero que el 3 de noviembre lo consigais.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. En la Sierra de mi provincia hay fincas con una buena cantidad de ciervos. Cuando he pasado cerca de ellos, se han ocultado rápidamente.


  4. Bonito reportaje fotográfico sobre los ciervos, Kaya, con una estupenda calidad en las imágenes.


  5. Impresionante el modo en que los has captado... Las imagenes despiden vida
    Un abrazo, amiga
