Saturday, November 28, 2020

Coyote in November


I don't know for how long this coyote was around, I only can tell that he certainly was very cautious and silent.  I was photographing a porcupine on a tree and at some point I heard that a branch was broken and saw the coyote.

He was so close that for a few awkward seconds we just stared at each other and then I decided to be "submissive" and show that I am harmless and friendly.

Well, my way to show "submissiveness" was to get lower to the ground and to my surprise it worked, the coyote didn't run away.

At the beginning of our encounter the coyote was with the dry leaf in his mouth and he kept it for a while.

Today I was blessed with a wonderful opportunity to watch and photograph a coyote and be in a close proximity to him.

Generally, life is good!


  1. the beautiful encounter
    each in his own field

  2. A beautiful, good, strong, rested specimen. Details and pro shades in photos.

  3. ¡Que envidia! Una fotografías excepcionales. Me encanta la última fotografía sobretodo por su mirada entre cautelosa y persuasiva. Parece que conoces bien la sicología de los animales que tienes cerca.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  4. Una vez que se aseguró, de que tu presencia no representaba un peligro para él, actuó con toda naturalidad.

    Has tenidio una gran suerte y eso te ha llevado a hacer unas magníficas fotografías.


  5. Hello Kaya,
    This is so fantastic. Amazing shots.
    So fantastic to see and what a nice colors. Big compliments for these results.
    I enjoy of it.

    Greetings, Marco
