Monday, November 30, 2020

North American Porcupine is Collecting His Breakfast

When I spotted a huge ball with sharp stiff hairs in the top of Russian Olive tree I didn't know what to think.  I have never seen a Porcupine in the wild and especially in the top of a tree.  

Apparently, North American Porcupines spend much of their time in the tops of trees where they eat berries, munch on bark, sleep and sometimes build nests.  

The Porcupine impressed me as a very talented climber, he almost never lost balance. Of course, there were moments when he made my heart to beat a little faster but the Porcupine never fell down.

A very smart tactic. The Porcupine is pulling the branch with berries lower to get them into his mouth.

Another challenge was to reach high for the top branch without loosing balance. The maneuver was tricky but the Porcupine figured out that if he would stretch his front left paw he could manage the situation well.

And then the Porcupine took a rest.  He settled comfortably between two branches and stayed like this for a while. 

At that precise moment I heard how the branch on the ground snapped. I looked around and saw a coyote.  I don't know for how long this coyote was around but I am sure that the coyote's curiosity kept him for a while close.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Lucky Kaya, what interesting encounters and new and probably banal behaviour. Thank you.

  2. Какие интересные фотографии! Спасибо!

  3. No me lo imaginaría subida en un árbol, si no lo hubiera visto en tus imágenes, jamás lo habría sospechado.

    Fructífera salida, que te ha permitido fotografias estas interesantes imágenes.


  4. Estupenda serie fotográfica, Kaya, donde al mismo tiempo que nos muestras al puercoespín, nos enseñas todas sus habilidades, imágenes con muy buena calidad.


  5. Jamás pensé que un puercoespin fuera arboricola. Tus buenos fotos y la narrativa así lo atestiguan.
    Un abrazo y cuidate
