Friday, December 4, 2020

Neighborhood Gossip Session


 Harry, what are looking at?...

If it's in the tabloids it must be true.

So I have to go, my friends need me.

I tweeted it one week ago.  Why of a sudden it went viral?

You are just another song bird.

 Harry, stop being secretive and tell us finally what you are still looking at.


They said, he heard, she tweeted... A good morning gossip is so soothing.

My first encounter with European Starlings was on Antelope Island. These birds were acting like hitchhikers riding on the back of bisons.  It took a few years before I saw these fascinating birds again. 

European Starlings are not native birds they were introduced to North America in the 1890s. Why did these birds succeed in North America?  There are a few reasons and one of them is that Starlings have very strong jaw muscles that let them open their beaks when poked into the soil, so they can scout and grab insects, even after the first frost.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Siempre se critica al que está ausente.

    Tienen buenas poses, alineados en el alambre.


  2. Preciosa y entrañable serie, junto con tus alegres comentarios.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. Bonita serie de fotografías, presentadas con mucho sentido del humor.


  4. Hahaha....!! This is so funny.
    It looks like they have a consultation with each other. So great!!
    Wonderful and funny with the words you have written.
    Well done Kaya!!

    Greetings, Marco

  5. Aaahhh, very interesting. I love the gossip session and, the photos are absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing this beauty! Happy Sunday to you, dear friend!

  6. They are proud and have a very beautiful color. Looks like they're at a recital in an orchestra.

  7. I've longed love Starlings and finally lived somewhere at one time where they would visit the yard. I only lived there 18 months but i managed to get a few photos of them. It was a different mountain town before we moved to this one. For some reason I never see them around here. love the photos .
