Sunday, December 6, 2020

American Coot is Bathing - I.

I ignored American Coots for a long time and took them for granted but two weeks ago I watched closely their behavior and it was fascinating, especially when Coots were bathing and interacting with each other.

The Coots are bathing while they are swimming. It's a ritual. Swim, bathe, swim,  bathe shaking off water at short intervals.

Coot is shaking off as much water as possible.  My guess is the Coot tries to get rid of parasites.

Swimming on one side and bathing simultaneously. 

It's better not to get close to a Coot when he is bathing but another coot seems to care less about being in the splashes of water.

Bathing takes a long time with many different techniques.   

It's interesting that American Coots look like ducks but they are not ducks, they are relatives of Rails which are very shy and elusive.

Generally, life is good!


  1. The joy of having water available, without congestion.

  2. Disfruta del agua, como disfrutan los niños con sus juegos.

    Las salpicaduras en el agua, hacen buenos efectos en las imágenes.


  3. Excelente serie del ritual de baño de las Fochas. Y muy utiles tus comentarios.
    Hoy ha dado comienzo la vacunación en UK, parece que comienza abrirse un espacio a la esperanza.
    Un abrazo y cuidate,

  4. Todo una belleza de imágenes, Kaya, interesante el seguimiento del "chapoteado" de las fochas.

