Monday, December 21, 2020

Pronghorns in December - I.


That late afternoon leaving Antelope Island I noticed a herd of Pronghorns in the field, they weren't heading toward the mountains and that was good. They moved across the field, that was even better.  I started to walk toward Pronghorns and followed them until they headed for the mountains.

She is young, curious and pregnant.

The pregnant female Pronghorn and the male (buck).  

Why did they stop near these dry plants?  My guess is that in winter Pronghorns are eating everything what is available.

Conversation?...  First, I thought that they were going into fight.  I was wrong.  They just stared at each other for a few seconds and afterwards peacefully headed toward the herd.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Two quiet specimens. Beautiful colors. Very good clarity.

  2. Hello Kaya,
    This is amazing. What a wonderful animals.
    So nice how you have photograph them. The colors are so nice.

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Preciosas fotografías en las que la naturaleza se llena de detalles.
    Gracias por su preocupación, llevo ausente del blog algún tiempo debido a una importante intervención quirúrgica seguida por varias sesiones de quimioterapia. Todo este proceso me ha tenido muy alejado de la fotografía, cansado, sin fuerzas y sin inspiración. Ahora parece que comienzo a experimentar una lenta recuperación.
    Feliz Navidad y muchas gracias.

    Beautiful photographs in which nature is filled with details.
    Thank you for your concern, I have been absent from the blog for some time due to a major surgery followed by several chemotherapy sessions. All this process has kept me very far from photography, tired, without strength and without inspiration. Now it seems that I am beginning to experience a slow recovery.
    Merry Christmas and thank you very much.

    1. Miguel, thank you very much for your comment. I just want you to know that I am thinking about you.
      Please, keep your spirit high and celebrate every small step toward recovery! Best wishes for a fast and full recovery.
      You are stronger than you know. Never forget it.

  4. Buenos ejemplares has cazado con tu cámara. Les debe resultar duro encontrar alimentos en inviernos, ya que en esta dura estación escasean.


  5. Unos hermosos animales plasmados en unas excelentes fotografías.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. Bonitos Berrendos, Kaya, estupendamente fotografiados por ti.


  7. ¡Qué ternura de fotos!

    Felices fiestas, cuídate mucho, SALUD, fuerza y utopía.

    Besines utópicos.-

  8. Never have I ever heard of this animal. Beautiful photos!

  9. Te deseo que pases una ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!

    Saludos desde Salamanca.

  10. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.
    Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year full of health, joy and love.
