Sunday, December 20, 2020

To Migrate or Not To Migrate?

We often assume that migrant birds face greater dangers than the birds who are all year around residents, but in fact the opposite may be true.  Birds like American Coots chose not to migrate but during the harsh winter months  they have a difficult time to find food.

This Coot was very lucky and managed to catch a medium size fish.

The safe place to have breakfast.

It's slippery but for Coot it's a not a big deal.  His toes are wide and steady.  The Coot is almost ready for his breakfast.

A few bites.

Suddenly the Coot stopped eating.  A danger...   Another Coot was approaching fast and going to steal the fish.

Run, run fast!  It's your catch.  Go to a safer place and finish your breakfast.

The story I told had a happy ending but sometimes a Coot who caught the fish is not the one who would eat it. 

Generally, life is good!


  1. Gorgeous photos!!!
    As much as possible, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, full of health, joy and peace.
    Best wishes

  2. In order for the place to be populated, it would be better for them not to migrate. But for their health it is good to migrate.

  3. Hello Kaya,
    That's so special to see this loevley bird while his migration.
    Very nice with that fish and what is better than photograph him on the frozen water. So fantastic!!
    You have done this so well Kaya. Amazing images with wonderful bright colors. I enjoy of it.

    Greetings, Marco

  4. Bonitas secuencias; Kaya, parecen fotogramas de una película de naturaleza. Buen trabajo y seguimiento del ave.


  5. Amazing photos of this American Coot and his fish.

  6. Excelente serie. Es normal que las aves oportunistas se aprovechen de la caza de otras aves.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
