Friday, February 5, 2021

Black-billed Magpie is Feasting on Berries


It seemed that last month I took quiet a few the high key photographs of birds.  The weather conditions especially at the end of January were horrible on Antelope Island. Sometimes it was snowing, sometimes foggy and gloomy. There were days when everything looked plain white.

To find birds wasn't easy and when I saw the Black-billed Magpie feasting on  berries I was so glad to photograph it.

The berries were quiet big but the Magpie swallowed them easily.

Why the Magpie chose the berries on the lower branch is difficult to say. The bird had to bend over and to stay on the branch in a rather awkward position. I suspect that this technique was practiced many times.

The Magpies here in northern Utah will soon start to build new nests and it will take forty to fifty days to construct them.   


Well, the high key photos don't tickle everyone's fancy but I enjoy taking them when the opportunity arises.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Que bonitas fotos Kaya, se ven hermosas. Las Urracas aquí ya comenzaron con los nidos, aunque hace mucho frío y creo que aún tardaran en tener los polluelos. Besos.

  2. Buen apetito tiene y a punto de ser saciado.

    Esas bayas rojas le da mucha vistosidad a las fotos.

    Que tengas un excelente fin de semana.


  3. Very interesting series of images on the difficulty that savagery can have in difficult winter conditions. Superb, thank you.

  4. A pampering, which has the whole tree at its disposal. For her, winter is not a problem. Wonderful series!

  5. Excelentes todas las fotos de la serie. Las urracas son unas aves muy interesantes, son curiosas y les atraen los objetos brillantes, como esas bayas de las que se alimenta.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. Me encantan estos pájaros. Por aquí también tenemos y cuando no hay mucho ruido urbano se les escucha muy bien. Tienen un cantar muy bonito.
    Saludos, Kaya.

  7. Muy buena tomas, Kaya, con las luces altas resaltando lo que te interesa mostrar.

