Monday, February 15, 2021

Pronghorns in December - III. Finale

For a long time I thought that Pronghorns are safe on Antelope island but I was wrong. Pronghorns and Mule deer can be attacked by coyotes that can be hell for a single Pronghorn or Mule Deer, the coyotes  also on outlook for young fawns, especially during a fawn's first six weeks of life.

Well, Pronghorns found the way to stay safe; they usually move across the island in herds keeping themself and their young ones safe.

I have never seen before a pack of Pronghorns and was happy to follow it for a while and take as many photos as my memory card could hold.  

When the time came I started culling some of my photos and for the first time I couldn't decide what photos I would keep and what I would ditch.  Here are a few more photos of these incredible animals.

Generally, life is good!


  1. beautiful and luminous moments of social life.

  2. Hello Kaya,
    So nice to see these pictures.
    Very nice to see them in their own area.

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Cada animal tiene sus depredadores y tienen que buscar la supervivencia.


  4. Desgraciadamente es la ley de la naturaleza, unos mueren para que otros puedan vivir, aunque sea a costa de tan bellos animales. Preciosa serie fotográfica.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  5. Hola Kaya. La naturaleza sigue su curso. Las fotos son espectaculares, maravillosas. Me encantan. Un enorme abrazo.

  6. Muy buena toda esta serie de fotos sobre los berrendos, Kaya, las fotos son estupendas.


  7. Usually, when the herd is attacked, an animal sacrifices itself for the others. The photo shows that life is beautiful at that time of day.

  8. These photos are gorgeous - interesting to learn about them also.

  9. Beautiful photographs of these pronghorns in a wonderful light. Greetings Kaya
