Saturday, April 3, 2021

We Are in a Drought


Yesterday while driving along the Bear River I was shocked that some areas of it were already dry and it's only the beginning of spring. 

We are in a drought and it's so sad. I read recently that the water in the Great Salt Lake is two feet lower than the year before.

We get our water from the snowy mountains but it wasn't enough of snow last winter to fill our reservoirs.

American Pelicans and other birds are already at Bear River and I hope that they will do well at their summer home and have enough food for themselves and their young ones.

I also hope that our state and federal leaders will awake and start to believe in science and that climate is changing. We all have to do our best to save our Earth and everything and everyone that is living on it.


  1. that the money god becomes responsible and honest.

  2. Todos perdemos, con la escasez de agua. Es muy necesaria para la vida.

    Los pelicanos saben bien disfrutar del agua. Se ven bastante a gusto en ese lugar.


  3. Me encanta la nitidez de tus fotografías de naturaleza y los instantes tan interesantes que capturas. Y también es muy necesario reivindicar medidas contra el cambio climático y sus nefastas consecuencias.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Preciosas fotos, Kaya, has estado muy oportuna captando unos momentos muy agradables, me encanta la segunda con el ave abriendo el pico y mirando hacia arriba. La sequia es uno de los estragos del cambio climático.


  5. Pelicans seem to be in their environment for the time being. But the future does not depend on them.
    Photos that show patience and passion.

  6. El cambio climático es un hecho real que muchos gobernantes se niegan a reconocer porque prefieren poner por delante bastardos intereses económicos en lugar de la salud del planeta. Tus bellas fotos son una denuncia de la hipocresía y ceguera de esos gobernantes.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
