Sunday, May 23, 2021

Escaping a Rain Storm

I was leaving the Bear River when I saw a flock of White-faced Ibises flying toward me. Then in a few seconds later another flock flew past and behind it another flock.  I have never seen anything like it before and didn't have a clue why Ibises were heading in flocks west? 

What I didn't know that birds sense a rain storm before it starts.  The Ibises flew with the wind very low trying to get as soon as possible to their shelters.    

When birds are flying low to the ground it's a sign of a storm approaching.  In this case it was a rain storm.  The pressure dropping in the atmosphere from oncoming storm made Ibises uncomfortable flying high up in the sky.

Ibises will find the shelter in bushes, reeds or somewhere else where they would feel safe.


The rain storm came unexpectedly. Ibises knew that it was coming, I didn't.

When it started to rain and the wind became vicious, I got into my car hoping that I would get to the paved road very quickly. 

Generally, life is good!