Friday, June 25, 2021

Gulls at The Great Salt Lake

The Great Salt Lake shore is dry and salty and it always brings memories of a fishy, tangy smell of Baltic Sea. The gulls at Great Salt Lake are beautiful and if you watch them for a while you will notice how noisy these birds are.

Hmm, what this gull is saying?  What a message it sending to others? 

The gulls are social creatures. Kind of like us, actually. Most of time they act like they can't stand each other and not hesitate showing their displeasure.

These birds have their superpower, they can drink salty water and are able to get rid of salt through a gland at the base of their bill.  These gulls just drink the salty water from Great Salt Lake, no problem at all.

The gulls are fighting often and chasing each other to assert their territory but deep down they know they need each other.

Gulls are so beautiful in flight.

The gulls are committed.  Their nests can be destroyed by predators but gulls will rebuild them. Over and over again.   These birds are fantastic parents!

I photographed California gulls.

Generally, life is good!


  1. beautiful series of images of immature, gregarious, social and somewhat exuberant birds. A beautiful subject!

  2. Como siempre espectaculares fotos Kaya, es verdad que en ocasiones se ponen insoportables unas con otras. Abrazos.

  3. Seagulls are beautiful animals that I like to observe, especially in their elegant flight. A a nice collection of photos.

  4. A beautiful and interesting story about seagulls.
    This species of seagull is stronger than their siblings in Europe.

  5. Me gustán ver las gaviotas. Me traen recuerdos del mar. Esas riñas entre las gaviotas, la he presenciado más de una vez.


  6. Hermosa serie. Las gaviotas tienen fama de ser ruidosas y un poco agresivas, aunque su vuelo es muy bello y elegante.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  7. Bonitas tomas de las gaviotas, Kaya, tanto las paradas como las capturas en pleno vuelo.

