Monday, June 28, 2021

Turkey Vultures on the Windy Rainy Day


Last Thursday morning was full of surprises. It was windy and rainy. Seeing the male and female Turkey Vultures was another wonderful surprise. 

I  had a difficult time to distinguish the male Vulture from the female because they didn't show any visible difference in their appearance but watching their behavior made me believe that the first bird on the photo above is the male.  He acted as he was in control. 

The female Turkey Vulture finally turned her head and looked at me.  Her feathers are ruffled from the wind. Her bald dark red head and a white tipped bill isn't something that most people think as good looking bird but Turkey Vultures are awesome birds and do things you even can't imagine.  

They feed on dead animals that we even don't see, these birds have strong stomachs and a strong sense of smell and they are so graceful in flight.

Generally, life is good!  Meeting Turkey Vultures made it even better.


  1. Nice observation. Do they breed in the area? If so, on a cliff, on a tree?

    1. Turkey Vultures do not built nests. They lay their eggs in caves or hollow logs as well as on the ground.

  2. WOW. Es la primera vez que veo estos impresionantes Buitres, las fotos son geniales Kaya. es como estar ahí. Muchas gracias. Un enorme abrazo.

  3. They seem to be recovering from a long flight.

  4. Ninguna especie de buitres se distingue por su belleza, aunque todos tienen un elegante vuelo. Tus fotos son preciosas, has captado perfectamente el efecto del viento en su plumaje y se nota el efecto vivificador de la lluvia sobre los colores.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  5. You've certainly got some stunning photographs of these vigorous vultures. Congratulations Kaya

  6. It is a very beautiful animal. I had never seen one before.
    Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hemos llegado a la misma conclusión. Antes de leer lo que habías escrito me pensé que el macho era el que iba delante.

    Interesantes imágenes y como acostumbras siempre, muy bien captada.


  8. Bonitas capturas de esos buitres, Kaya, por aquí no los he visto nunca, por lo que las fotos me sorprenden más.

