Saturday, July 17, 2021

Family of Western Grebes


It was the beginning of summer when I took these photographs of Western Grebes hoping later to watch these birds in their usual place where they used to raise their young ones.  Unfortunately, this summer Grebes abandoned this part of Bear River because of drought.

On the photo above the young ones are in anticipation of being fed.

The male Grebe delivers his catch and gives it to one of his chicks.

You have to be very careful feeding your young and not letting fish to slip into water. This time everything went smoothly.

Feeding the chick took a few minutes and fish was swallowed by chick nicely.

The male Grebe stayed with his family for a very short time and left to continue fishing.

The swim on the mother's back continues.  

Generally, life is good!


  1. Real life, which is hard to show even in filmed documentaries!

  2. Me encanta esas fotografías, en la que se ve a la mamá protegiendo a sus crías.

    Son unas fotos muy tiernas.


  3. Que cosa más tierna de fotografias. La mamá transportando a sus polluelos entre sus alas y el padre alimentándolos. Que emocionante poder hacer estas bellas fotografias.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  4. infant mortality is so high that all the parents' efforts are remarkable
