Thursday, July 15, 2021

Ospreys Saga - IV.


What I like about the photos I took last Friday that the wings of Osprey with fish came out transparent (the sun was at her back ) but unfortunately fish in the raptor's talon became transparent also and lost some details.  

Anyway, on the photo above the female Osprey is carrying fish to the nest. Fish is tightly clutched in one of raptor's talons.

The female uses an interesting technique while landing; she flares her wings up and hovers for a few seconds in the air.  

Ospreys have four talons that are curved and the toes have the tiny spines on the bottom that help a raptor hang on to its slippery prey.  Ospreys carry fish with head-forward usually in two talons.

Landing is smooth and very precise.  This time Osprey holds fish with two talons.

The female delivered fish to the nest and fish wasn't whole. My guess is that the female already started to bite fish with her sharp bill but changed her mind when she saw me walking to her nest and immediately left it just for a few minutes.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Muy buenas capturas, Kaya, estuviste muy atenta para poder captar estos momentos tan interesantes. Buen trabajo.
    Te deseo que tengas un buen verano.


  2. what a great light for the great interest of these pictures

  3. Magnificas capturas, excelentes fotos. Un saludo.

  4. Hello Kaya,
    What a great moments you have caught. These pictures are so nice.
    Very special to see him with the fish which he goes to feed to the little one.

    Greetings, Marco

  5. Ты смотришь на мир с любовью.
