Thursday, September 30, 2021

Mating Grasshoppers


Did you know that male grasshoppers have their own individual song to attract females? This song is loud and resembles chirping and clicking. I heard those songs often while I was hiking on the North Arm trail. 

I have never seen grasshoppers in courtship but I was fortunate to watch how they are mating.  

On the photo above mating started when the male lighted on the female's back and stayed this way for almost twenty minutes.  It's interesting that mating sometimes can last anywhere from forty five minutes to well over day.

Males grasshoppers mate many times with the same partner and other females to get the maximum opportunity to pass on their genes.  Sadly, males die shortly after mating.  The females die after egg-laying, that may lasts until cold weather begins.

Generally, life is good!




  1. Грустно как - то у кузнечиков...

  2. Preciosas imagen, un abrazo. Un saludo.

  3. They are preparing for a parachute jump. An incredible scene!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, impresionante imagenes, amiga... Impactantes
    Un abrazo. Feliz fin de semana

  5. La has tomado en un acto muy íntimo, completamente ajenos a la presencia de tu cámara.

    Bonita escena de amor.


  6. Es curioso ver que para muchas especies, sobre todo insectos, el apareamiento significa el fin de su existencia. Dos magnificas fotos, aunque me quedo con la primera por la intrusión de la abeja.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  7. Muy interesante el momento que has captado, Kaya, lleno de sensibilidad. Las fotos de una gran calidad fotográfica.


  8. Hello,
    What a funny moment you have caught. So fantastic to see these grasshoppers that literally jumped each other.
    Wonderful pictures and it brings a smile on my face.

    Greetings, Marco
