Sunday, October 3, 2021

I Really Do Love Geese


In my dreams I often see myself in Montana or Alaska photographing Grizzly bears with their cubs or birds I have never seen before.  

In reality I spend a lot of time in our local park photographing our local geese over and over again. I really do love geese because they are incredible birds, they mate for life, they mourn each other and they are excellent parents.

Geese are big and slow birds and that makes them very vulnerable.  They are very slow to take off and can not really run like other birds can that is why aggression is their only defense.  Without aggression they may as well go extinct.  

Geese are very loyal and unlike the ducks are more intelligent, they will recognize you if you feed them often. 

The male geese will sacrifice themselves in order to protect their vulnerable females and babies.

I photographed Canada Geese and a Kholmogory Goose.

Generally, life is good!


  1. perhaps the grizzly bear, if it were as common in your park, would be as willing to be photographed ...

  2. En tu blog, Kaya, no solo vemos bellas fotografias sino que aprendemos un montón de naturaleza.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  3. Has tomado buenas escenas, que identifican su forma de comportarse...adoro tus fotografías.


  4. Cierto que son bellos los Gansos, Kaya, tus estupendas fotos los hacen justicia.

