Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Desert


This morning I was determined to find Salt Creek Waterfowl Management area.  The way to this place lies through the harsh and beautiful desert.

I always get lost at the beginning when I try to embrace the immensity of the desert that is barren but at the same time it's blooming with its special colors. 

Water, water, water...  We are in the extreme drought and seeing water makes my heart beat faster.

The stormy sky.  I haven't seen such a rich blue sky for so long.

and then in the middle of nowhere I saw a little rusted barn with an old retired red truck. Two old inseparable friends. 

Generally, life is good!


  1. What a vastness and amazing lights. Something to be really troubled about...

  2. Impresionantes escenas, amiga, con un cielo que me encanta
    Un abrazo

  3. Чудесные пейзажи. К ржавчине, к заброшкам особая любовь.

  4. A bath in a beautiful setting. The warehouse has an aspect of originality, which makes it interesting.

  5. Bonitos paisajes, Kaya, esos cielos son todo un plus en estas fotografías. Me gusta como has captado la huella que deja el abandono y el paso del tiempo en la ultima foto.


  6. Hello Kaya,
    Fantastic pictures. So nice to see these beautiful landscapes.
    Great how you have photograph. The last with the house and truck is very nice too. It could be in a western movie.

    Many greetings,

  7. Preciosas fotografias. Si no fuera por que tu lo dices nadie pensaría que esos lugares forman parte de un desierto.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  8. Son fascinantes, los paisajes de tus fotografías. Me gustan especialmente las dos últimas.


  9. I have two thoughts about this series of photographs, Kaya. The first is the explicit clarity of your photographs, which makes them technically wonderful and special. The other is subject matter itself, the desert, which offers marvelous opportunities and which you capture neatly.

    I like the third one best. The mixture of steel with the older and probably original wooden fence posts tells a generational, symbolic story of its own.

  10. glorious, wide open, and wild....💙
