Thursday, November 18, 2021

Juvenile Pelican Is Making Impression

Juvenile pelicans are amazing, they are full of unrestrained energy, they often want to be noticed and appreciated, and of course, to make a favorable impression on their peers.

The pelican on the right is simply irresistible, strong wings are spread powerfully, a proud posture, but, unfortunately, all these attributes can go unnoticed.

Of course, the seagull-thief is right there but who wants to be noticed by this annoying bird who often steals from you fish.

Maybe I should get a little closer to get noticed...

A silent conversation. 

How much can be expressed simply by looking at each other?  A lot.

Everything comes to an end sooner or later because preening is very important and staying clean and healthy is important also.  

Generally, life is good!


  1. Иногда молчание красноречивее слов

  2. Hello Kaya,
    Nice pictures of these pelicans. Wonderful with the warm colors.
    These birds are very nice with the beautiful beaks and nice to see them by each other. Very well done Kaya!! I love it.

    Greetings and hug,

  3. A team of boyars, who can't be bothered by anything and who enjoy the beautiful weather.

  4. Parece que quiere causar una buena impresión, a las hembras que se encuentran por ahí.

    Muy bellas imágenes.

  5. How rewarding those long moments of observation of the grooming and feather preening sessions are.

  6. Estupendos los momentos que has captado, Kaya, como el pelicano joven trata de impresionar a sus compañeros. Buenas fotos.

