Monday, November 22, 2021

Notes to Self - XXI. The Little Mountain Road

A blind at the Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area.

Someone once said that you can't discover a new place without being lost and he was right.

At the beginning of November I was trying to find the Little Mountain road that supposed to bring me to Salt Creek WMA.  While looking for this mysterious road I was lost. Luckily, only once. 

When I got on the Little Mountain road I found myself driving into the desert.  The drive was beautiful and morning was warm and peaceful. I was passing the field with sage bushes surrounded by mountains.

The first thing I saw in the Salt Creek WMA was the natural blind that was built for bird watchers and photographers.  I have never seen something like this before. The blind resembled a papuan hut.  

That morning I found the immature White-crowned Sparrows and had an opportunity to take their photos with fall colors.  They were the only birds I saw that day at the Salt Creek WMA.

Generally, life is good!



  1. sometimes it doesn't take much to experience great moments ...

  2. Preciosas imagines con esos colores ocres del otoño, Kaya, y la belleza del gorrión. En ocasiones perderse puede significar encontrarse con lugares que si no fuera por eso nunca verías.


  3. Bellisimo el modo en que lo has captado, amiga
    Un abrazo

  4. Aquí hay un refrán que dice "No hay mal que por bien no venga". A perderte, has encontrado caminos nuevos y lugares hermosos para fotografiar.

    Muy bien captada la belleza del gorrión y los colores de otoño de esta estación.


  5. The watchtower and the wonderful catches make life beautiful.

  6. A veces cuando te pierdes encuentras lo que no esperabas. Que curiosos gorriones, son muy distintos a los que yo veo todos los días cuando paseo con mi perro.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  7. Que preciosa ave Kaya y las fotos muy hermosas. Besos.

  8. Тепло и уютно стало на душе от этой птахи. Улыбаюсь. Спасибо,дорогая Кая!4
