Thursday, December 30, 2021

Great Blue Heron is Fishing


With autumn approaching one of the most daring Great blue herons becomes less wary and starts fishing in open areas.  

Thus, the Great Blue heron on photo above was so focused on fishing that I had an opportunity to stay with him as close as he allowed me and was able to capture a stunning moment when the Heron with his stretched long neck tried to catch fish.

I love everything on this photo, the splashes of water around the Heron's bill, his long neck, the wild yellow daisies that were shining with their bright blooms and of course, reflections in the water.  

Finally, the Heron caught a small fish.

The Great Blue Heron didn't swallow fish right away and I had a chance to create his head to shoulder portrait with fish in his mouth.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Impresionantes fotografías, sobre todo las dos primeras con esos buenos reflejos.
    Que tengas una feliz despedida de año y que 2022 te sea próspero y saludable.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. Hola Kaya. Enhorabuena por tus fotos, son sensacionales. Que tengas un feliz 2022. Besos.

  3. An excellent immortalized hunter.

  4. Hello Kaya,
    What a great moment you have caught with this beautiful heron.
    So nice to see him in action and what a great reflection in the water. Very well done of a good position.

    I wish you al the best and health for 2022 and hope we can enjoy again of all your beautiful pictures.

    Greetings and a big hug,

  5. Beautiful and clean thoughts from thousands of miles away.
    I wish you a Happy New Year, with suggestive and unique photos, like all the ones you take!
