Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Great Egrets at Farmington Bay - I.


A gloomy morning at Farmington Bay.  A dark stormy sky is so heavy that it looks that it's about to rain.

I came to the bay hoping to see Sandhill Cranes. They're already in Northern Utah. But to my surprise, instead of cranes, I met Great Egrets and spent with them almost two hours.

At the beginning of my adventure, the Farmington Bay struck me with its dark, saturated colors, but after a while it began to change its tones to calmer ones.

Great Egret is fishing.  

Great Egrets hunt in classic Great Blue Heron fashion. They stay motionless for a long time waiting for fish to come to them or wading through a wetland to capture fish with a deadly jab of their yellow bill.

Generally life is good!


  1. Preciosas. Un ave elegante y bello.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. It has a very good feather shampoo. :)
    A beautiful bird in the silhouette line.

  3. Оперенье напоминает пачку балерины.
