Sunday, February 12, 2023

Successful Fishing

The Bear River is mostly frozen this winter but there are a few narrow strips of water closer to the shore.  Great Blue Herons and Goldeneyes gather to fish there.

Herons cope well with the cold, ice, snow and winds of our harsh winters. When the river and marshes freeze, they either begin to prey on small mammals or find a few ice-free patches of water.

So, the Heron in the photo above found open water and decided to go fishing.  

Just a little more patience and fish will be caught.

Success!  It's a great catch.

It takes a lot of effort to swallow a whole fish.


I love these large wading birds. Great Blue Herons endure, survive and thrive even during our coldest winters and hottest summers here in Northern Utah.

Life goes on.


  1. A skilled hunter in an enchanting universe, presented masterfully..

  2. Все слова потратила на эмоции от просмотра твоих фотографий , Кая) молча полюбуюсь))

  3. Que dura es la vida de los animales silvestres en esos duros climas. Y que hermosas las imágenes que tu nos regales de esa experiencia.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  4. Las imágenes son muy buenas y de gran belleza, Kaya. Ese color azul es muy atrayente.

