Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Great Blue Heron in His Shelter


March weather in Utah is often unpredictable.  The sun is just shining and everything is so peaceful, and suddenly in a matter of minutes the clouds hide the sun and a strong wind comes out of nowhere.

Birds have different ways of escaping from the storm approaching. Everyone has their own place to hide. This heron found shelter in a thicket of dry reeds to wait out the strong wind and rain.

While photographing the Heron I used one shot-focus with extended points for the first time and it worked well. 

Life goes on.


  1. A shelter chosen with care. Multi-point focus is not always effective.

  2. Lo animales silvestres se comportan mas inteligentemente que los humanos ante las adversidades. Muy bellas las fotografías.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  3. Los animales saven afrontar las adversidades climatológicas quizás mejor que los humanos. Preciosa fotos, Kaya.


  4. Чудесные картинки.
