Monday, September 25, 2023

Immature Black-crowned Night Heron Explores New Habitat


In late August, I discovered an immature Black-crowned Night Heron perching on unusual place for these species. Typically, when Night Herons hunt they usually stay close to the water so they can strike at prey, if they are not hunting, they hide somewhere in vegetation. But this Heron was too far from water to catch its prey.  

My guess is that this young Heron was exploring a new and unusual perch and probably enjoyed being there.


Sometimes the Heron looked down to check what was happening in the water.

There were a few special moments when the Heron opened its wings and they became transparent because the sun was behind the bird.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Extraordinary shots, Kaya! Your skills have deepened over the few years I have been reading your blog.

  2. Que bonitas quedan las imágenes, con ese fondo tan claro. has sabido potenciar muy bien los colores.
    Feliz semana.

  3. These are amazing shots!! The one with the light coming through his wing is my favorite, it shows natures wonder so, so beautifully!

    Best wishes dear Kaya.

  4. Es el aprendizaje de las jovenes e inmaduras aves. Todas son bellas pero me gustan mas las de las alas abiertas.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Чудесная фотосессия. Все в природе гармонично и красиво.

  6. Preciosas tomas, Kaya, todas muy bien realizadas con ese fondo blanco resaltado la garza y las hiervas de su entorno, pero la que tienes las alas al trasluz es mi favorita.


  7. Un gran trabajo con el foco aislando al ave del fondo y dándole todo el protagonismo.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  8. My gosh, such amazing photos of an incredible bird. The narrative just makes it. A joy.
