Saturday, September 23, 2023

Notes to Self.

I find it quite amusing how we reflect on the same places at different times of our lives. 

At the beginning of the summer, this place was almost the same as it was a few years ago but it felt like a completely different place. It was more vibrant, peaceful and colorful.

The little shed didn't look as lonely as before which surprised me. It has withstood winter storms, strong winds and survived flooding.  I was looking at the shed and thought how resilient it was, how strong.  

Generally, life is good.  


  1. experience and knowledge of the area, helped them choose the right location

  2. Preciosa foto, Kaya, con un encuadre y composición muy bien ideados, esa casa rodeada de verde por todas partes es una maravilla.


  3. Красота... нравятся твои пейзажные снимки
