Thursday, October 19, 2023

American Wigeon at the Great Salt Lake

In a small backwater of the Great Salt Lake, I accidentally spotted a small group of ducks. To my indescribable joy, among them were several American Wigeons 

The American Wigeon is also known as "baldpate" because the white stripe resembles a bald man's head.  Breeding males also have a green eye patch that turned out dark in my photographs - the backwater was in shadow, and the rock reflecting the light made the scenes darker.

Doesn't the male Wigeon look like a leader of this group? 

In the group: a male Northern Shoveler, he is the first duck on the left and a female swimming next to him.

At some point, the male Northern Shoveler left the group, but the females continued to stay close to their leader.  Soon the non-breeding Eared Grebe joined the group and began to watch it from the distance.

Generally, life is good. 


  1. 👍 Beautiful identification of the Wigeon and interesting winter plumage of the Shoveler.

  2. Me gusta ver como chapotean en el agua y agitando las alas.
    Feliz fin de semana

  3. El Silbón o estaba cabreado o se estaba haciendo su limpieza. Pero sobre todo derrochaba energía.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Menudo "jolgorio" tenían montado, Kaya, bonitas y tiernas fotos, captaste unos momentos muy especiales.

