Thursday, November 16, 2023

Great Egret at Farmington Bay -II.

It was an early, gloomy October morning in Farmington Bay.  It was damp, gray and cold and I didn't expect to see a single bird. 

About half an hour later I saw several Great Egrets in the distance.  They were far away but slowly heading towards the shore.  One of them, the bravest, came  closer and closer.  

Suddenly the gloomy damp morning no longer seemed gloomy, and all I could do was wait to see what would happen next and hope for luck.

Soon when Egret approached the shore it took off but not far. Was this a mistake or not? Or did something scare him away?  A few seconds later the bird had returned to its original place. 

Looking at this photo, a simple mantra from a fairy tale came out of my memory: catch fish, big and small

That morning the egret was mainly catching small fish and was happy.

It's hard to tell whether this pose is graceful or awkward. I tend to think that the pose is very graceful because at its core an egret  is a very graceful bird.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Estupendas capturas, Kaya, todos son buenas pero la tercera para mi gusto es una gran foto hecha con mucha maestría.


  2. Llevas razón la garceta es un ave muy elegante y las capturas son muy buenas. En especial la que esta iniciando el vuelo.
    Un abrazo.

  3. En un día gris, resalta aún más, el color blanco de su plumaje.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  4. What a great pictures of the egret. So nice to have the right moment with that fish in his beak.
    Well done!!

    Greetings, Marco
