Sunday, December 3, 2023

An Unusual Place to Fish

A few days ago on one frosty morning I hoped to see at least one Great Blue Heron and, to my joy, I found one. 

The Heron stood on frozen dry plants, a rather unusual spot for fishing, shifting from foot to foot and trying to warm up and wasn't particularly happy about it.


At some point, the Heron suddenly spread his wings wide and turned around.  Was it a fish or something else?  It's hard to say.

Eventually, the Great Blue decided to move on to a better fishing spot.  

Decisions, decisions... Should I stay here or not?

The Heron is inspecting a new fishing spot and will stay here for some time but he fails to catch the fish.

Great Blue Herons have adapted to our harsh, cold winters but they have difficulty finding food. 

Generally, life is good.


  1. Con ese clima extremo le será complicado encontrar alimento a la garza. Pero las fotografías son preciosas.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Your beautiful blog is so inspiring! Your photos are captivating, as usual. Thank you for sharing this, it’s a real beauty. Wishing you well, dear friend. Have a blessed day!

  3. I suppose this American heron, like many of its cousins, knows how to be opportunistic and is not content with just fish ...

  4. Bellas fotografías , Kaya, estupendas capturas de la garza sobre el hielo.


  5. Отличная фотосессия. На первом снимке такая кокетка)

  6. It's amazing how those birds can withstand the cold. There is also a gray Heron (Ardea cinerea) here even though it has been cold for a long time.
