Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Chukar Partridge or Simply Chukar

This morning I encountered a Chukar Partridge in a very unusual location on Antelope Island.  The Chukar was perching peacefully on a rock and for a few precious minutes it allowed me to take a few photos.

Chukars breed in the summer.  During courtship, the male has to show many wonderful qualities to the female in order to win her heart.

He shows that he can be a good provider. He pecks at food and the female may also come to peck at it.

If it doesn't work, the male Chukar tries to show the female what a great singer he is.  Most female Chukars find the male voice irresistible. When Chukars form a pair they remain together through many seasons.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Buenas capturas de la perdiz, Kaya, me gusta como la diagonal divide la foto en dos.


  2. Curiosa la vida de esta perdiz. Buenas tomas.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Una vez, nos encontramos una perdiz herida y la llevamos a casa, para curarla. Desde la jaula emitía sonidos llamando.
    Muy buena las vistas de esta preciosa ave.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Que bellas imagenes... Me encantan sus ojos y la raya negra que cruza su cabeza...
    Preciosas imagenes, amiga
    Un abrazo
