Sunday, February 4, 2024

Notes to Self. Hiking in Buffalo Point

 In Buffalo Point.

There are places that don’t let go; you want to come back to them again and again. Buffalo Point is one of those places. This place is very generous. If you want to feel free, this is the place for you, if you want to escape from our noisy, hectic world go there.

To say, that Buffalo Point is full of surprises is understatement.  There is a narrow rocky trail that will take you even higher in the mountains.  

The trail is full of promise; there you can see Chukar partridges, rabbits, rodents and bison with whom under no circumstances I would like to cross the path.

 On the Buffalo Point trail 

I met two Chukar Partridges who were hiding in the sage bushes but they immediately flew away as I approached.  So much for the Chukars.

Fortunately, I didn't meet any bison on the trail.  If I met them, it would be probably the end of my earthly adventures and I am not ready for that yet.

At the beginning of the hike I came across a European Starling.  I wonder what brought this bird high into the mountains?

Generally, life is good.


  1. Are bison really so dangerous to humans?

  2. Magnífica fotografía del estornino. Se aprecian todos los detalles.

  3. No me extraña que quieras volver

  4. Excelente lugar para hacer senderismo evitando tener un encuentro con los bisontes, como tu dices y hacer buenas fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  5. La belleza del lugar, invita a volver. El estornino, parece que posa especialmente para ti.
    Un abrazo.

  6. I love that sterling! I'll try to paint it. It's so beautiful the picture yo produced! Thanks Kaya
