Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Western Meadowlarks and European Starling


Western Meadowlarks are very vocal birds and if they sing, they sing with all their hearts. With their sonorous songs, little singers sometimes create the misleading impression that their melodic songs are being sung by a choir.

Singing with all his heart to the whole world. 

Sometimes European Starlings join the Meadowlarks to perch together and Larks never mind being in the company of starlings.

Generally, life is good.


  1. In the first image, it seems that the bird is trying to balance.

  2. Buenas capturas, Kaya, la primera y la ultima me encantan en especial por su luz.


  3. Bellas imagenes. Se ve que en el mundo animal hay buenas relaciones entre distintas especies.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Tus imagenes cotidianas de la vida en la naturaleza son siempre muy bellas.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Otra de tus maravillosas entradas sobre naturaleza. Como siempre, grandes enfoques y capturas.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Hello,
    This is so great. What a beautiful birds.
    The first two are very special and funny to see the singing bird. I think he will makes a lot of noise..hihi..!! Wonderful.

    Many greetings,
