Friday, February 23, 2024

His Majesty at Bear River MBR - III. Finale


In these series of photographs I focused primarily on the American Bald Eagle's wings which are build to soar and glide.  Bald Eagle can fly 225 miles in a single day.  

At some point, the eagle covered himself with his wings like a cloak and made an irresistible impression on me.

Eagles rotate their heads in different directions while their body is motionless.  They do it because the eagle's eye doesn't move much in the eye socket, rotating its head helps a lot to look around.

Generally, life is good.


  1. Muy bonita el final de esta sería. El águila parece estar desentumeciendo las alas. Imagino que dispuesta para emprender el vuelo.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Me ha llamado mucho la atención, la primera fotografía. Parece un rey, envuelto en su gran capa.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  3. It seems that he is doing large and elegant gymnastic movements.

  4. Excelentes matices, Kaya, en tus instantáneas.
    Cómo habrás visto en mi blog, no eres la única que expone aves... del paraíso! :))))))
    Para muestra, "laga" y "llina".

  5. WOW!! Such a majestic creature. Your portraits are simply awesome, Kaya.

    Huge hugs.

  6. Hello Kaya,
    What a great one. So fantastic and very nice.
    This is the dream of every nature photographer to have this kind of bird in front of his lens and managed to photograph it beautifully as you have done!!
    Your pictures are really great Kaya!! I love it.

    Many greetings,
