Saturday, April 6, 2024

A Curious American Avocet

Birds are curious creatures, and their curiosity often leads them to new discoveries.  

So the Avocet above decided to check out the stone and if it was suitable for perching and possibly for fishing.

Would it be more comfortable to stay in the middle of a stone?

Or it's better yet stand up tall.

Why not try this more stable pose?  

This way I can search for food without walking through the swamp.

As I watched this curious Avocet I thought how resourceful and persistent this bird was at exploring something new.

Generally, life is good.



  1. The bird is looking superb. All the details in the feathers

  2. He would like to fly with the piece of land, like a helicopter.

  3. El guion de vida, o por lo menos de asentamiento puntual de la avoceta, te ha quedado perfecto. En palabras e imágenes!
    Siempre un placer ver la naturaleza a través de tu sensibilidad y buen hacer fotográfico.
    Abrazos Kaya.

  4. Hello Kaya,
    This is amazing. Great how you have photograph these wonderful moments of these beautiful birds.
    It's beautiful how he can stand so gracefully on those thin legs. It's so nice to see. Well done!!

    Many greetings,

  5. Es que hay que trabajar cómodo y con seguridad. Esta es una avoceta inteligente. Bonita serie.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Bonita avoceta, Kaya, las fotos un lujo para la vista.

