Friday, March 23, 2018

American Coot -1.

Just because a bird swims and dives in the water for food, 

doesn't mean that this bird is a duck.

What I thought was some type of duck was not a duck at all.

This interesting bird is the American Coot

who is more related to the shore birds as the Sandhill crane and the Rail.

American Coot is a migratory bird. It lives in the Pacific 

 and Mexico year around.

These birds come to Northern Utah for summer breeding.


  1. It looks like a duck after the body, but the head is not a duck.
    A beautiful moment surprised in the wild.

  2. This bird is from the same family as the coots we know. They are in my post "Black and white". You took her beautiful photo. Regards.

  3. Believe it or not, Kaya, the usual name for coot in this neck of the woods is mud hen. Hunters, farmers and fishermen (and, I assume, most, if not all, wildlife aficionados) despise them because their living/feeding habits are destructive to habitat ....

  4. Una imagen excelente, sobre todo por la posición del ave. Una buena explicación sobre el American Coot. Se agradece.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Preciosa fotografía de esta focha en un momento de esfuerzo en el que parece que quiere alzar el vuelo.
    Un abrazo,
