Friday, March 1, 2019

Juvenile Bald Eagle

When I saw this Juvenile Bald Eagle on the tree I thought no way I could take his photos because he was far away. I walked toward him, one little step and then another hoping that he would not fly away. I even "talked" to him,  asking to stay in the same spot for a while.

He didn't fly away and stayed on the tree for a long time letting me to take his photos. When he suddenly took off I had a chance to capture him in flight. 

I had a difficult time with exposure. Sky was light gray and the Eagle was against it. It's the worst situation you can encounter. I had to exposure for the bird that all his feathers would be seen and claws also and let the sky go white.


  1. A beautiful "vicious" eagle.
    You've made wonderful pictures!

  2. Fine series. The first picture is really impressive.

  3. Magnificas imagenes. Impacta ver como has congelado su movimiento
    Un abrazo

  4. Muy bien cazada al vuelo, abatiendo sus hermosas alas. Gustan ver estos animales gozando de la Naturaleza y de plena libertad.


  5. Muy bonita serie, Me encantan sobre todo las dos primeras. Yo creía que el águila calva siempre tenía la cabeza blanca, ya veo que debe ser cuando son adultas.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Какое великолепное животное! Дух захватывает от его мощи и величия. Как здорово получилось "схватить" характер этой птицы!

  7. Again, you and your camera were in the right place at the right time. Congratulations, Kaya, on the photographs. They are splendid and the details are wonderful.

  8. Schön die Bilder von dem stolzen Tier.


  9. Bien captada tanto en vuelo como posada en la rama, muy bonitas imágenes, Kaya, buen trabajo.

