Sunday, March 3, 2019

Mini World - 11. The Sound of No Sound

This  photograph was taken in August of 2018.  Looking right now at this photo I think I photographed silence.

That late summer day I was at Bear river and there were no birds around. I was frustrated and not happy about it. I thought, how unfair that I drove for almost two hours to the desert and the birds even didn't care to show up. 

Then I sat on the dry grass. Miserable and angry. It was so quiet and peaceful. I looked around and there was a dragon fly, I and comforting silence. 

We used to think about silence as the absence of sound, yet it's also a very powerful sound. The sound of light breeze, the sound of hot air, the sound of life.  The sound of my thoughts that I am here, I live, I exist and all wonders of life are already here, I only have to notice them.  How simple it is and how difficult in our crazy busy life.


  1. While our quest is often, if not usually, for birds I think we always have to reconcile ourselves with all of nature and to understand that all of its integrated components are important to us. Perhaps not least of these is the value of silence, the worth of solitude. Perhaps you learned some of those lessons that day.

  2. Libelula is very difficult to photograph.
    The photo is iconic.

  3. Captivating photo. He is showing off his spectacular gymnastic feats.

  4. Que belleza en esta libélula, Kaya, y muy buena nitidez.


  5. Whether an individual does or does not believe in a god or gods, I think no one would dispute that we live in the midst of a boundless miracle with new discoveries to be made every moment of our lifetimes. It is a matter of "tuning in" to what is going on around us. Life is a gift beyond description.

    Nice photograph, incidentally ....
