Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Early Morning at Bear River

This guy was looking for food and going into more messy swamp with a lot of dry grass around him.

Snowy Egret is feeding on gnats? Is it possible?  

I believe that this is Cinnamon Teal.

Just a little rest. Very peaceful.

These two were very smart and chose their own little island with almost no gnats and far away from everyone. 

Cinnamon Teal is certainly a beautiful bird.

The same guy (Great Blue Heron) passing by and looking for food.


Going to Bear River is like a little vacation for me. Today I had one.


  1. Among teal, blue-winged are the most common in my neck of the woods, Kaya, followed by green-winged. Only once back in my days as a hunter did I see a cinnamon teal close enough for identification.

    Excellent photography ....

  2. It is a long time since I saw a Cinnamon Teal, but it is as you note, Kaya, an uncommonly handsome duck. In your customary fashion you have captured an exceptional group of photographs and it is a pleasure for us all to view them.

  3. Egret starts to find food at early morning....exciting
    Lovely Cinnamon Teal....yes, so beautiful

  4. Preciosa selección de aves que habitan el pantano, Kaya, buenas fotografías, con muy buena calidad de imagen.


  5. An interesting, very pleasant and relaxing reportage.

  6. Gnats are full of protein !!!

  7. Muy buenas fotografías, algunas de ellas con los reflejos del ave a modo de complemento. Me llama la atención esa garza con su pico abierto a la que has conseguido fotografiar rodeada de una nube de mosquitos volando a su alrededor.
    Un abrazo,

  8. Very nice picture! what are the camera you are using?

    1. Fajarwalker, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
      My camera is Nikon D90.

  9. Un reportaje, muy bonito de las aves del río Bear.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Bonita serie de aves y sus reflejos son magnificos, Kaya
    Un abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  11. Cinnamon teal how pretty~ I've never seen one at our lake. The colors are so vibrant.
